Kyopotoday is a job site for foreigners in Korea
I am Paulo from Costa Rica.
When I first came to Korea, I was very afraid.
I didn't know anyone in Korea.
But thanks to kind Koreans,
I was able to get close to many Koreans.
The Korean job site called Kyopotoday. That's what I told them.
Kyopotoday is the most famous job site for foreigners in Korea.
I was able to find many jobs at Kyopotoday.
So I could go to my current job.
And I let other foreigner friends know.
I registered my resume at Kyopotoday.
Then I received job offers from many companies.
And it was nice to be able to access the jobs I liked at will.
It is good to have a job site called Kyopotoday in Korea.
I will continue to make good use of Kyopotoday.
Thank you
※ 1. Kyopotoday introduces the story of Paulo.
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좋은일자리 구인구직사이트 입니다.
교포투데이 kyopotoday
교포투데이 외국인구인구직
생산직채용, 식당, 음식점, 공장, 농장, 농촌, 어업, 건설현장, 호텔, 모텔, 펜션, 판매, 청소, 주방보조, 간병인, 가사도우미, 가정부, 사우나, 조선소, 물류센터, 부부팀, 교포잡, 교포구인구직, 외