음식점구인구직 잡식

My name is Juchi 본문

외국인잡 교포투데이

My name is Juchi

브랜드알바 2021. 7. 1. 10:56

My name is Juchi.
I am Mongolian. I was born near the Onon River.
From the age of five, I grew up in Khovsgol Nurr.


And now I live in Hwaseong, Korea. I came to
Korea to make money. I have to make a lot of money.
My parents live in Khovsgol Nurr.


My ancestors went to Kazakhstan.
And they went to Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia.
They also went to Hungary, Poland, Austria and Ukraine.
Kipchak Khanate in Southern Russia was also a country
they founded. Il Khanate was founded in Baghdad.


In East Asia, it destroyed the Jin Dynasty, the best country
of its time. And conquered the Song Dynasty. He ruled as
a true East Asian winner. Thus the Yuan Dynasty became
a world empire. That was the Mongol Empire.


After that, our ancestors founded the Empire of Austrian
-Hungarian Empire. And also found India's Mughal Empire.


I came to Korea. And my friends went to London, Paris,
Moscow, Berlin, New York, Quebec, Seoul, Tokyo, etc.
We have to make money.


I have a dream. We are dream of becoming a world empire.

I work in a factory in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do
that manufactures car bearings.

I am going back to my hometown soon.

kyopotoday was a good friend in Korea.

Kyopotoday is the most famous job site for foreigners
in Korea.


Thanks to Kyopotoday, I was always able to get my job.


Thank you



※ 2. Kyopotoday introduces the story of Juchi.

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